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Vicious Cycle of Life


Welcome to Bloggers_Home, today we are going to address the Vicious Cycle of Life.

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We all have a plenty of reasons to be happy, but are we really happy? Our life is not a complicated journey it's a few breaths between birth and death. During these moments we have some happiness, Victories, loss, relationships and by the time we experience this, our journey our life on this Earth just finishes off! My dear readers our Greed is one of the main reasons which doesn't make a happy at all.


Once in a great kingdom, there was a king who had a barber he came every morning, his duties well. The king was always astonished because of the barber`s behaviour, he was never never sad.
One day the king asked the barber why he was always so happy and what was his secret of being so happy. The king added that you don`t seem like walking on soil but it seems like you are flying up in the skies. The barber humbly replied that he didn`t even understand a single word that the king just spoke.

Then he added that he just did his duties and worked for his food every day. The king called up his minister and told him about the barber. The minister gently replied that he doesn't know what life is and about the 999 Vicious Circle of Life. So they decided to teach the barber about the 999 Vicious Circle of Life The night the minister and the king went and drop the package full of 999 gold coins into the barber's house. The very next day onwards he seemed to be very disturbed. In reality last night he couldn't sleep at all because he counted all the coins again and again but it seemed to be only in 999 and it was for the first time he saw so many gold coins all together. He knew he could only earn 1 gold coin in a year. Now his heart started to beat fast his blood circulation much faster. He tried to sleep but he couldn't do so. He decided to complete the count by adding 1 more coin so that he could be in the list of the richest of the kingdom. Now he was in 999 Vicious Circle of Life. 

He saw a change in the barber`s demeanour. He asked him about the problems but the barber hesitated to reply. Now the king insisted so he could know his problem. The barber replied. 'Your majesty now I am in the 999 vicious circles of life.' I keep looking at what I didn't have and not at what I pross.

My dear readers, this 999 vicious circle of life took away our happiness.

It`s not about only money, but our greed towards goods will also lead us to 999 Vicious Circle of Life.

Ahmad Saad
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